Water Security at Nebo – A New WTP


Isaac Regional Council invited CWT to act as the process engineering specialist for the new WTP at Nebo, to address water security and quality issues. CWT provided technical support from project inception to plant opening.

Services Offered

  • Project scoping and options development
  • Provision of cost estimates for the preferred design
  • Desktop source water assessment of catchment and bore field
  • Technical specification for the preferred design, with accompanying schedules
  • Facilitation of tender briefing session
  • Acting as owner’s engineers during the design and construct phase
  • Development of CCPs
  • Onsite commissioning
  • Proof of performance witnessing


Nebo has long relied on a set of bores which are susceptible to supply issues during extended periods of dry weather. Coupled with insufficient storage, risk of flood affecting supply and reduced bushfire fighting capability, this has pushed Council to investigate solutions for increasing water security. Water treatment was also been limited to chlorination despite failing to meet the ADWG for hardness, and concern regarding surface contamination of the bores.


CWT investigated process options for a new WTP to address water quality concerns, taking into consideration cost, operability and meeting current and future treated water quality and quantity objectives. In consultation with the client, CWT then developed a technical specification for the preferred option, an ion exchange softening plant with granular media pre-filtration, allowance for oxidation of metals, pH adjustment, UV and chlorine disinfection, and a two megalitre treated water reservoir.


CWT and Isaac Regional Council have been able to ensure that the residents of Nebo have a secure supply of safe, quality drinking water which allows for the future growth of the town. The plant also provides easy operation, with a robust process and a high level of redundancy.